Impressum I Kontakt

Dieses Blog wird gemäß § 10 MDStV, § 5 TMG, § 55 RfStV betreut von:

Karsten Lucke (@karstenlucke /
Anselm M. Sellen (@amsellen /


The think europe program is dedicated to getting young Europeans together and encouraging them to join political discourses. Our education center has nothing to do with school. think europe provides a state-of-the-art learning environment and approaches and is eager to support any of your creative contributions.
Five to six times a year we host international gatherings with teenagers from different European countries including Spain, France, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, and Cyprus. think europe seminars are structured in accordance with the needs and concerns of their participants (i.e YOU). We are not interested in designing events just for the sake of it. We are doing it for your added value. Intercultural learning, web-based “think tanking,” and community development are just some of the many different catchwords that describe think europe.
But these are just words. The “real thing” you will have to experience personally. To be honest, the question is not whether you are interested in what think europe actually is–the question is rather: Are you prepared to make a difference within the continent you live on? think europe challenges you to join in to talk about nuclear phase-out, European politics, job opportunities, voluntary commitment, and more.
We won’t be talking about some distant, academic, or elite issues. We are targeting our everyday life. For the latest pictures and videos straight from our seminars visit our website or the Young Germany blog, or stay informed via our twitter accounts (@thinkeurope @amsellen @karstenlucke).
think europe is the European education program signed, sealed, and delivered under the roof of the Europa Haus Marienberg.

Europa-Haus Marienberg

Öffentliche Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts
Europastraße 1
D-56470 Bad Marienberg

Postfach 1204
D-56464 Bad Marienberg
Tel.: 0 26 61 / 640-0
Fax.: 0 26 61 / 640-100
E-Mail: ehm(at)